Langley Community Center/Ancient Earth Campus

Ancient earth has a history at the Langley Community Center dating back to before the pandemic, fall of 2019 to be more specific. It started as a pizza oven in the courtyard and morphed into a class on Wednesday afternoons for a group of eight graders from south Whidbey middle school. After that the community center graciously allowed us to establish an outdoor campus in their southwest corner near the fair grounds. Come visit the area-you can’t miss the 2ed pizza oven that was built by the kids, and the start of a children’s playhouse that is shaped like a spiral. The vision for this area is to be a place of experiential learning for children of all ages to learn about and experience Natural Building. To that end we are establishing a plan which will be posted on the work station sign, we will be soliciting ideas and working towards finishing old projects. We at Ancient Earth and the community center invite you to come and get dirty and learn about all the possibilities of natural building-especially in this era of intense climate change! Take home ideas to use in your own home and better yet, take the knowledge of the possibilities of using local sustainable solutions and applying them to real climate problems.

please consult the calendar page for community center offerings.